Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is It About Having Plan A / B / C / D ??

In one way or the other each individual is running towards something right? Securing the dream job, high scores in exams, best career, perfect life partner, etc, etc...list can just go on...
The point I am trying to make is wishes / desires / ambitions / aspirations somehow define our life...We begin to live each day, each moment of our lives trying to fulfil the dreams if I may say so...Every effort, thought process is directed towards achieving those goals...
But what happens when a point comes and I realizes that after certain pre planning, execution of the plan the desired result is just the opposite...and then the world comes crashing down because the major part of your life has been spent nurturing this dream.  
Then one may wonder is there no plan ‘B’? No actually no because never did it occur that the result of certain conscious decisions could be so devastating... All is not lost Patience is the key say many...But patience for what or rather how long...the wait could be endless...

As I gasp for breathe in this maddening rush I begin to wonder what I have become?? I fail to recognize me in me...The essence that made me, me is lost...Fulfilling a dream is so important but at the cost of what?? And if it is so important then what is the level of desperation that I should reach to ensure I get what I want?

I am fervent enough to get my dreams fulfilled but I ask... am I desperate enough? In a conversation on Facebook with an unknown but learned person I got a piece of friendly advice which read- As an individual we all have to patient, keep trying and wait...because in life nothing comes in just 30 minutes except for Dominoes Pizza.   Point taken what do I do when I am running against time...when waiting till eternity is not the best option for me...

Look for plan ‘B’ says my mind...So plan ‘B’ where are you...In a bid to search for a new something I have to put behind a lot many things...things that defined me...things that were characteristics of me..things because of which I walked around with head held high...things that made the real...

So in the end it all boils down to bridging the gap between unfulfilled dreams and the beginning of a new voyage in hunt of something meaningful...
But hey will I find plan ‘B’..let’s say I did what next will plan ‘B’ work out or should I this time look for plan ‘C’ as well ?? Because who knows I may again have to wait for plan ‘B’ to workout!!

So, what should a person do when in the heart of hearts I want my only and sole dream / plan to workout...  Patience / Dheriya / Dhoirjo you would say.... hmm  so wait till it works out...and when it doesn’t atleast die with the satisfaction that I tried to some extent but may be not till the level of desperation....